What does it mean to find a word’s literal meaning?

What does it mean to find a word’s technical meaning?

What types of texts have vocabulary with technical meanings?

How can you find out which meaning is used in a text?
answer all the questions

1 answer

  1. Finding a word’s literal meaning: The literal meaning of a word refers to its most basic, straightforward definition, devoid of any figurative or metaphorical interpretation. For example, the literal meaning of the word “apple” is the round fruit produced by the apple tree. It is the definition one might find in a dictionary.

  2. Finding a word’s technical meaning: The technical meaning of a word is its specific definition within a particular field or discipline. This meaning often differs from the common or everyday use of the word. For instance, in biology, "cell" refers to the basic unit of life, whereas in a general context, "cell" might refer simply to a small room.

  3. Types of texts with vocabulary that have technical meanings: Texts that typically contain vocabulary with technical meanings include academic journals, research papers, medical texts, legal documents, scientific articles, and industry-specific manuals. These texts often use jargon or specialized terminology relevant to their respective fields.

  4. Finding out which meaning is used in a text: To determine which meaning of a word is being used in a text, consider the following strategies:

    • Context clues: Analyze the surrounding words and sentences to understand how the word is being applied in that particular instance.
    • Field of study: Identify the subject matter of the text. If it is a technical text from a specific field, it is likely that the word is being used in its technical sense.
    • Look for definitions: Some texts, especially academic ones, may define terms upon first use. Check for footnotes, glossaries, or introductory sections that explain terminology.
    • Examples: See if the text provides examples that illustrate the use of the word, which can clarify its meaning.
    • Consult a dictionary: If uncertain, a specialized dictionary or glossary related to the field can help clarify the technical meaning.

By using these strategies, you can better understand how vocabulary operates within different contexts and disciplines.