What does is mean that "emissions trading has propertitized pollution"?

2 answers

Express versus Implied Contracts. Suppose that a local businessperson, McDougal, is a good friend of
Krunch, the owner of a local candy store. Every day on his lunch hour McDougal goes into Krunch¡¦s
candy store and spends about five minutes looking at the candy. After examining Krunch¡¦s candy and
talking with Krunch, McDougal usually buys one or two candy bars. One afternoon, McDougal goes into
Krunch¡¦s candy shop, looks at the candy, and picks up a $1 candy bar. Seeing that Krunch is very busy,
he catches Krunch¡¦s eye, waves the candy bar at Krunch without saying a word, and walks out.
Is there a contract? If so, classify it within the categories listed in this chapter.
In responding to the question be sure to:
„h Discuss the elements of an implied contract.
„h Discuss silence as acceptance.
Implied Contract