what does "Create an original fable with a clear moral" mean ? Am I supposed to make up my own story ?
6 answers
Yes. Make up your own story. Remember, it should be like an old fable and it should have a moral.
what does fable mean ? is it an old time story ? and a moral means the setting , the point of the story or does it mean it should have a bad behavior in it ?
A moral is not the setting. The moral is the lesson learned from the story.
Read this very short story.
A moral is given at the end of it. I also think it shows that those who keep plugging along to accomplish something are often more successful than the naturally talented.
Read this very short story.
A moral is given at the end of it. I also think it shows that those who keep plugging along to accomplish something are often more successful than the naturally talented.
Okay thanks so much , I read it , it helped and so did you :)
You're very welcome. Have fun with your fable.
Thank you