what does a soda can do?

what materials are used in making a soda can and why?

how does a soda can do what it does?

3 answers

What kind of soda? The kind people drink?

There are many defnitions, and several chemicals, that are called "soda".

You can find a list of them here:
yes the kind people drink
This article may help. I do not aqree with all of its conclusions

(Broken Link Removed)

The bad effects upon tooth decay are much more apparent in areas without fluoridated water. This is caused mainly by the sugar content, not the carbonation.

Diet soft drinks are less of a hazard in terms of causing obesity.

Limited use of soft drinks is not a problem, in my opinion.

Almost all "soda" drinks have the carbon dioxide "bubbles" added artificially. Exceptions are beer, som e sparking wines, and naturally carbonated water.