A natural sign cancels the previous or stated accidental.
What does a natural sign (A natural sign has two vertical lines connected by two horizontal lines.
A natural sign has two vertical lines connected by two horizontal lines. The top horizontal begins two-fifths of the way down the left vertical line and travels right about one-third the length of the vertical line at a slight upward angle to connect with the top of the right vertical. The bottom horizontal begins about two-fifths of the way down the right vertical line and travels left about one-third the length of the vertical at a slight downward angle to connect with the bottom of the left vertical.
) do to a note?
(1 point)
raises the note by one half step
raises the note by one half step
lowers the note by one half step
lowers the note by one half step
cancels the previous or stated accidental
cancels the previous or stated accidental
lowers the note by one whole step
1 answer