The code "82B0341D 10 2024" likely refers to a product code or lot number used by a food manufacturer, along with a date. Here's a breakdown of its components:
82B0341D: This part is likely a lot number or batch code. It helps the manufacturer identify a specific production batch of the food item, which is useful for quality control and tracking in case of recalls or issues.
10: This could refer to the day of the month, suggesting that the product was manufactured or packaged on the 10th day of the month.
2024: This is likely the year, indicating that the date is in the year 2024.
Together, this code might suggest that the food product was produced in a specific batch on the 10th day of a month in the year 2024. If you're looking at a packaged food item, it's important to check the surrounding context or labels for more specific details about expiration dates or best-by dates.