What do you think of this convo

We don't have time for jokes, child, and what a broter is, is beyond me. So get lost.
Steel Warrior.

On Thu, Feb 01, 2024 at 11:31 AM, Morbeto, Felicity wrote:
Sorry but I believe this is copy right, plus lies or maybe mistake cause it is my brother Radamier prince of the Royals. he is just my broter and a prince.

Royal prince

On Thu, Feb 01, 2024 at 11:26 AM, Morbeto, Stephen wrote:
"Redheads assault!"
Weak King Of The Redheads

1 answer

It seems like there is some confusion and tension in this conversation. The person referred to as "Mirkwin" dismisses someone's joke or comment and asks them to leave. The next person, Felicity, disputes the previous statement and claims that the person being referred to is actually her brother, a prince. Another person named Stephen adds a comment about "Redheads assault" and refers to someone as a weak king. Overall, it appears that there may be some disagreement or misunderstanding between the individuals involved.