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Write 2 paragraphs describing Annie Johnson's sitation ("New Directions" by Maya Angelou.)

A: Annie Johnson’s situation shows the familiar struggle that many African American women faced in the 1900’s. For example, after her divorce, Annie is "left with two toddling sons, very little money, [and] a slight ability to read and add simple numbers" (191). As a result of not being properly educated, she has no job and no other means to provide for her children. Although she would be able to “work as a domestic” (191), like most mothers, she does not wish to leave “‘her precious babies’ to anyone else’s care.” Furthermore, “there was no possibility of being hired at the town’s cotton gin or lumber mill” (191).
Nevertheless, even if Annie did choose to perform one of these jobs, she would still be unable to make enough money for even a minimal standard of living. This is because black women, even to this day, earn less than black men, white women, and white men. Therefore, Annie struggles to think of a sufficient way to provide for her family. However, after meticulous and secretive plan-making, she bakes and sells meat pies to local workers. At first, her business is rather slow. However, shortly after she begins to sell her meat pies at other locations, such as the “cotton gill” (192) and the “lumber mill” (192), people depend upon her for their lunches.

2 answers

This is really good. Just a few points- One, African american woman DO NOT earn less than white women "to this day", that is prejudiced as well as bias, and is illegal in the U.S. and many other countries. You might want to take that part off. Otherwise, good job!