What do you think? Do these paragraphs require any improvements? What do you suggest?

1. Write a paragraph discussing the courage demonstrated by Martin Luther King Jr.

What I have written: Throughout the nation, Martin Luther King, Jr. is remembered as a man of exceptional courage. For example, as a consequence of the countless death threats that he received due to his prominence in the civil rights movement, King confronted death constantly. Furthermore, due to his popularity among blacks, not only his life but also his family and home were constantly in danger at various times. Subsequently, on April 4, 1968, in the city of Memphis, Tennessee, King was brutally shot while standing upon the second-floor balcony of motel that he was staying at. After being rushed to St. Jospeh's hospital and had undergone emergency chest surgery, King was later pronouned dead during the night. Therefore, this just goes to show that he was willing to risk both his and his family's lives in order to promote equality.

4 answers

Change "due to" to "because of"
See #7

This sentence is not clear:
Furthermore, due to his popularity among blacks, not only his life but also his family and home were constantly in danger at various times.
It sounds as if you're saying that other black people would hurt him/them, but I'm sure that's not what you mean.

Is there any shooting that is not brutal?

Delete "at" after "he was staying" and change "that" to "where"

Parallelism of verbs needed:
After being rushed ... and undergoing emergency...

Delete "later" and correct the spelling of the next word.

Delete "Therefore," and rephrase to smooth out the very last sentence.
Throughout the nation, Martin Luther King, Jr. is remembered as a man of exceptional courage. For example, as a consequence of the countless death threats that he received because of his prominence in the civil rights movement, King confronted death constantly. Furthermore, due to his popularity among blacks, not only his life but also his family and home were constantly in danger at various times. Subsequently, on April 4, 1968, in the city of Memphis, Tennessee, King was shot while standing upon the second-floor balcony of the motel where he was staying. After being rushed to St. Jospeh's hospital and undergoing emergency chest surgery, King was pronounced dead during the night, going to show that he was willing to risk both his and his family's lives in order to promote equality.
received & St. Joseph's <~~spelling

Again !~~> This sentence is not clear:
Furthermore, due to his popularity among blacks, not only his life but also his family and home were constantly in danger at various times.
It sounds as if you're saying that other black people would hurt him/them, but I'm sure that's not what you mean.
Throughout the nation, Martin Luther King, Jr. is remembered as a man of exceptional courage. For example, as a consequence of the countless death threats that he received because of his prominence in the civil rights movement, King confronted death constantly. Furthermore, due to his prominence, not only his life but also his family and home were constantly in danger at various times. Subsequently, on April 4, 1968, in the city of Memphis, Tennessee, King was shot while standing upon the second-floor balcony of the motel where he was staying. After being rushed to St. Joseph's hospital and undergoing emergency chest surgery, King was pronounced dead during the night, going to show that he was willing to risk both his and his family's lives in order to promote equality.