What do you see as the purpose of health insurance? Should there be limits on the amount of health care provided? If yes, what criteria should we use to ration health care? If no, how should health care be financed so that everyone has access?
5 answers
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I think that there should not be limits on the amount of health care provided because the proper treatment is necessary. I feel that everyone should be obligated to received health care help as often as needed for there safety and precautions. When the amount of health care is limited then the person is not getting there proper treatment which can result in the person being worse off then before.
Good answer -- although not everyone would agree with you.
Should health care coverage include traveling many miles to a premier clinic for more sophisticated tests?
What about treatments that haven't been medically proven to be effective, but may possibly help?
What about elective surgery?
Should health care coverage include traveling many miles to a premier clinic for more sophisticated tests?
What about treatments that haven't been medically proven to be effective, but may possibly help?
What about elective surgery?
I don't think that mileage should be included, other test and treatments should be those treatments could prevent a illness. I don't think anybody should be denied anything that would help them remain healthy, in good condition, and to live a longer life.
Basically I agree with you.
Now -- who should pay for this medical care?
Now -- who should pay for this medical care?