What do you do at the school's newspaper????
What kind of jobs do they assign????
Any artictles ideas ????
You i'm joining the school's newspaper cause i luv writing a lot :)
plzz answer these question that will be very helpful & nice if you guys answer these questions
i went to my school webiste they don't have the info only the adviser also i tried googling NOTHING HELP
Thank you for the ppl who are answering these qs.
3 answers
Gen -- I know you're excited and worried about starting 7th grade, but relax! You'll find all of the answers to your questions in the next few days.
ok srry to bother you tutors
i was just being curious this have nothing to do with being xcited or worried about 7th grade
but thx :)
first day of clubs is next monday :)
i was just being curious this have nothing to do with being xcited or worried about 7th grade
but thx :)
first day of clubs is next monday :)
never mind about it i found from info.
yes !!!! :)
this website is really kool but only for to help kids with their homework :)
yes !!!! :)
this website is really kool but only for to help kids with their homework :)