what do you call the numbers that cannot be arranged into 2 row arrays

The 4th time I'm seeing this question.
Would you please tell me what class this question is for?
I'm not aware of any special name for 2 row arrays and I'd like to know the answer too. Is this computer science?, algebra? Is it from a textbook or something your teacher asked?
I'll help if I'm able.

Study links in Everyday Mathematics by SRAF McGraw-Hill

What do we call the numbers that cannot be arranged into 2 row arrays?

uhmm .. a non-factor

SRA Study Links Everyday Math. I think the answer should be that uneven numbers or odd numbers can not be arranged into 2 row arrays. Perhaps, in an odd number it could work.


3 answers

what do we call the numbers that cannot be arranged into 2-row arrays?
forest park
odd number