A mutual dependency describes a relationship between two people or groups of people. They each depend upon each other. One example would be the mutual dependency between the Native peoples and the French fur traders. They needed each other to profit from this trade.
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What do these words mean: entrepreneur, economic imperialists, capitalist, Rupert's land, depot, cooperage, pemmican. Describe what is meant by "mutual dependency." Describe what happened in 1783 and why.
Entrepreneur: one who carries out a business
Economic imperialists: Economic domination
Capitalist: a person with capital, or money, to invest
Rupert's land: the territory given to the HBC
Depot: a storehouse
Cooperage: a place to make barrels and casks
Pemmican: a mixture of buffalo meat and fat
In 1783 The North West Company was found. It was formed by Scottish and American entrepreneurs who took over the French fur trade after the fall of France.
I don't know what mutual dependency means. Did I answer the last part correctly? Your help is appreciated. Thank You in advance.
3 answers
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