what do my paper needs

Im applying for the E R register position at Greenwood Leflore Hospital. I gain knowledge working as a floor secretary and working along with nurses. The experience taught me the value of human life. Learning to feel what a person has for a sick love one. After encounter much runess from Nuses and doctor. I would like to give compassion back to the community. Working as a E R. Register this will help the community, if you can see one smmiling face or one kind word. This will help make just one more day .

3 answers

Your writing is pretty bad, gramatically. Sentences are incomplete, missing words, mispelling. Your thoughts are good, it is just that the mechanics are very bad.

I do not know if the ER Register needs those skills, I am just uncertain.

What I do suggest you start on is a program of reading: Not magazines, nor newspapers, but quality books. Read one a week. We learn the use of language by reading, and I sense you for the most of your life have not read much.

Now on this, do this: Read it aloud, sentence by sentence, with a trusted friend. You are likely to catch most of your errors that way. Then, retype what you have, and let us have a crack at it.
I think it would help you to read this biography: We can overcome poor writing and reading skills. It is not easy. Nothing worthwhile is easy, nor quick.

Write a journal entry describing a day in the life of a snake in the wild from the snake's point of view. At least 5 sentences