What do JCAHO standards deal with?
What do HIPAA guidelines deal with?
How do HIPAA rules protect patient healthcare information in a medical office setting ?
What does OSHA stand for ? What do OSHA regulations deal with ?
What does QA stand for ? What are the components of a QA program/process ?
What does POMR stand for ?
What does CLIA stand for ?
What does AMA stand for ? What is included in the AMA Creed ?
What does HEDIS stand for ? What does it measure ?
What does CDC stand for?
What does AAMA stand for ?
What does ABHES stand for ? Why would a student wanting to become a medical assistant be interested in this organization ?
What different kinds of office tasks might an MA do and not do in a physician’s office
What is hospice care ?
What sorts of software do medical office computers need to be equipped with ? Why
Know the 4 components of the communication process as presented in the Pearson text
Why was the position of Medical Assistant created ?
As a medical assistant in a challenging situation would you be more likely to use assertive behavior or aggressive behavior ? What is assertive behavior?
In what situation would an MA need to file an incident report
What can a medical assistant do and not do for a patient
Where do doctors get their license to practice medicine ?
When you first go to a physician’s office you are handed a copy of the Patient’s Bill of Rights. How many items are on it ? Be familiar with them.
What is the Hippocratic oath ?
What decisions can physicians make and not make about their medical practice ?
What is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs ? How many levels are there ? What are they
Can electronic signatures be used on medical documents ? Which organization (see Anagrams above) would deal with this ?
What are the principles of quality medical care ?
What is ergonomics ?
What is the Code of Hammurabi ?
Which employees in a physician’s office need to be concerned with professional liability ?
Are there any consequences to not practicing medicine within the code of medical ethics ?
What are medical offices required to do with contaminated cloth gowns and towels ? What organization’s regulations govern this ? (see Anagrams above). - What does the Medical Assistant’s Code of Ethics discuss ?
What kind of continuing education are MAs expected to obtain ?
What are standards of practice ?
Why is it a good idea for patients to have a living will ?
What is a durable power of attorney ? Why might a patient need this ?
What kinds of personal protective equipment would an MA need to use when assisting the physician with patients ?