Each section in the color wheel represents:
- Hue: Refers to the pure color itself, such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or violet.
- Tone: Represents the variation of a color by adding different amounts of gray to it. It shows the different shades and tints of a color.
- Value: Shows the intensity or brightness of a color. It ranges from light to dark and represents the level of lightness or darkness in a color.
- Spectrum: Represents the full range of colors that can be seen in the visible light, going from red to violet. It shows the continuous progression of hues.
What do each of these sections in the color wheel represent?
A color wheel.
(1 point)
3 answers
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Sure! Let's focus on the hue section of the color wheel. The hue section represents the pure colors themselves, such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or violet. It shows the different colors of the spectrum and is the main characteristic that differentiates one color from another.