Opinions on Jack Kevorkian and physician-assisted suicide vary greatly. Some people believed that Kevorkian was a compassionate figure who aided terminally ill patients by allowing them to die with dignity and end their suffering. They saw him as a champion of individual rights and autonomy over one's own life and death decisions. These individuals argued that terminally ill patients should have the right to choose when and how they want to die.
On the other hand, many people opposed Kevorkian's actions and saw him as a dangerous advocate of assisted suicide. They argued that he was playing an inappropriate role in the life and death decisions of others, undermining the value of human life, and potentially opening the door to abuses of the practice. Additionally, some religious groups and individuals believed that only God has the right to determine the end of one's life, and that human intervention in that process was morally wrong.
Overall, opinions on Kevorkian and physician-assisted suicide made by him were and continue to be deeply divided, reflecting conflicting beliefs about personal autonomy, ethics, and the sanctity of life.
what did people think about Physician-assisted suicide made by jack kevorkian
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