Jehovah taught the Israelites that repentance was vital for regaining His favor after sinning. If they turned back to Him and listened to His commands, He assured them that they could receive His blessings again (Deut. 30:1-3). This shows His readiness to forgive and restore those who truly repent.
What did Jehovah teach the nation of Israel about repentance?When Jehovah organized the Israelites into a nation, he made a covenant, a formal agreement, with them. If they kept his laws, he would protect and bless them. Regarding those laws, he assured them: “Now this commandment that I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it beyond your reach.” (Deut. 30:11, 16) But if they rebelled against him—for example, by choosing to worship other gods—he would withdraw his blessing, and they would suffer. Yet, even then, they could still regain God’s favor. They could “return to Jehovah [their] God and listen to his voice.” (Deut. 30:1-3, 17-20) In other words, they could repent. If they did so, Jehovah would draw close to them and bless them once more
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