What departments can be cut to reduce debt

in the government (examples of departments- social security and Medicare or defense and military

5 answers

I don't think any of those departments can be cut. We need to be able to defend ourselves against foreign belligerents. Our military people and retired military people should not have their benefits cut. Many older and poor and disabled people depend on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

I'd raise taxes on the very rich.

what about State and foreign affairs,agriculture,energy,water and environment,homeland security, labor health and human services,transportation,housing and urban development,education and or financial services? Sorry for all the questions!
Which of those do you think could be cut?

I urge you to watch the video I posted above. It was shown in a local college sociology class today. It's only about 6 minutes long, and I think everybody should see it.
maybe transportation,housing and urban development...agriculture...and social security and medicare? And,ok hopefully it helps!
Why would you want to cut social security and medicare? Do you think senior citizens who worked 30, 40 years should be homeless and without medical care? Is that what you want for your grandparents?

If you must cut something, I suggest you thoroughly research money spent on transportation, agriculture, and urban development. Also look at the federal money that goes into tobacco subsidies.
