What css properties (html) will you need for your fashion design webpage

1 answer

1. Font-family: to style the text on the webpage with a specific font.
2. Color: to set the color of text, background, and other elements on the webpage.
3. Text-align: to align the text in different positions like left, right, center, or justify.
4. Padding: to add space inside the element’s border.
5. Margin: to add space outside the element’s border.
6. Background-color: to specify the background color of the webpage or specific elements.
7. Border: to add a border around elements with different styles, widths, and colors.
8. Text-decoration: to add decoration to text such as underline, overline, line-through, or none.
9. Display: to control the layout behavior of elements such as block, inline, inline-block, flex, grid, etc.
10. Width and height: to set the size of elements on the webpage.