What career can I take

7 answers


Research, research, research ...

What are you interested in?
How much education/training are you willing to work for?
I suggest the dart method. Put these on a dart board at a local Pub, blindfold one of the patrons, let him throw.

Or in the 1960s, the IChing method. Get a copy of I Ching, throw it against the wall, if it flops open, that page is your days revelation.

Or, you could try some personal introspection: what you like, dislike, are good at, are not so good at, and what is going to be available as jobs.
What job can i get for my subjects
lawyer,nurse,social woker
wha cAreer of choice when i am doing thIs subjects
wha cAreer of choice when i am doing thIs subjects and i am in gradE 11