What can we learn from the prophecy found at Ezekiel 37:26, 27?Throughout the centuries, Jehovah continued to invite his friends to be his guests. (Read Ezekiel 37:26, 27.) For example, from Ezekiel’s prophecy we learn that God truly wants his loyal worshippers to have a warm relationship with him. He promises to make “a covenant of peace with them.” That prophecy points to a time when those who have a heavenly hope and those who have an earthly hope will be united under his figurative tent as “one flock.” (John 10:16) That time is now!

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Ezekiel 37:26, 27 highlights Jehovah's desire for a close relationship with His loyal worshippers. The prophecy emphasizes His promise of a "covenant of peace," which signifies unity among all His faithful servants, whether they hope for life in heaven or on earth. This unification under God's spiritual guidance reflects His love and the fulfillment of His purpose, showing that now is the time for His people to come together as "one flock."