What can be inferred from this cladogram?
Image showing a cladogram. Traits are listed on the main branch. Jaws appear first at the bottom of the main branch. Hagfish is the first branch coming off the main branch. It appears before the jaws trait. Lungs are the second trait listed on the main branch. It comes immediately after jaws. Perch is the second branch coming off the main branch. It appears after jaws and before lungs. Claws or nails is the third trait listed on the main branch. Salamander is the third branch coming off the main branch. It appears after lungs and before claws or nails. Fur and mammary glands are the fourth trait listed on the main branch. The lizard branch appears after claws or nails and before fur and mammary glands. Feather is a trait that appears on the pigeon branch. The pigeon branch comes off the main branch between the claws or nails and the fur and mammary glands traits. Mouse is a branch coming off the main branch. The mouse branch appears after fur and mammary glands. Chimp is the final branch coming off the main branch. The chimp branch appears after fur and mammary glands.
Fur and mammary glands are traits that evolved first.
Both the hagfish and the salamander have jaws and lungs.
Claws or nails is a characteristic that separates the lizard from the pigeon.
The chimp and the mouse have the most similar characteristics.
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