Orientalism is not a term that's used by most people. It basically means anything connected with Asia. Remember that Asia includes a large number of diverse cultures and nations -- Japan, Russia, India, Vietnam, Myanmar (Burma), Afghanistan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Korea, China, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Turkey, etc. In my opinion, Orientalism has nothing to do with prejudice against Muslims and Arabs.
Your Axia class is the only class in any college that uses Said's "Orientalism" as a source. It is not a mainstream book. I'd refuse to answer this question because it's a terribly biased and unsubstantiated source.
Check this site for more information.
what are two to three characteristics of Orientalism? How may Orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against Muslim and Arabic groups?
2 answers
ethic's 125 /impact on oreintalism on arab muslin chararteristics