what are two internal and two external conflicts that emerge in chapter five of farewell to manzanar using pages 31 to 36 (say what page your evidence is from)

1 answer

In Chapter Five of "Farewell to Manzanar," two internal conflicts that emerge include Jeanne's struggle with her identity as a Japanese American (pages 31-32) and her feelings of shame and humiliation regarding her family's circumstances (page 34). Two external conflicts that arise include the confrontations between the Japanese American community and the government authorities (pages 35-36) and the hostility and racism experienced by the Japanese Americans from the surrounding communities (page 36).

1. Internal Conflict: Jeanne's struggle with her identity as a Japanese American
Evidence: "I found myself caught between the two races [...] not accepted as an American and wholly rejected as Japanese" (page 31).

2. Internal Conflict: Jeanne's feelings of shame and humiliation
Evidence: "I was hot with shame. I had my first full-size taste of humiliation, and I did not like it" (page 34).

3. External Conflict: Confrontations between the Japanese American community and government authorities
Evidence: "Armed military police herded us into a train and took us to the camp. They feared that we would turn on them when we found there was no relocation outside" (page 35).

4. External Conflict: Hostility and racism towards Japanese Americans
Evidence: "There was a sign that said ‘Japs Keep Moving!’ Another sign said, ‘Japs, Why Should We Go to War for You?’" (page 36).