What are two application that apply to me personally from this:

When pulling into the parking lot of the Church. I noticed that the building itself was amazing and we stopped towards the back of the church building and I got out of the car and went to Bishop and Pastor Dee's truck and helped them bring their items in that Bishop was going to teach and preach with in the back of church building. First, we tried the door in front of us and it was unlocked Bishop looked in and it was the kitchen then we tried the door to the left of us to see if it was unlocked and it was locked. So we decided to go through the kitchen to get to the Pastor's office. And when we came in Bishop saw one of his mothers in the faith that raised him when he was little in the ministry. I greeted her saying "Nice to meet You" and she had on a cooking apron and was setting up the warmer trays where you put the cooked food in. And Bishop asks her if the Pastor is in his office so he can get ready for the celebration and so he can see his Spiritual father as well. As am standing there waiting I see this amazing cafeteria. The tables, chairs, and vases reminded me of the cafeteria at our property. Everything in the cafeteria was so beautiful that the tables had shiny tablecloths on them and the other ones had a white or cream look to them. The whole cafeteria was done in excellence. Then we went to the Pastor's office. And we waited for this Pastor who works close to the Superintendent to come in so Bishop could give in the Cilp mic and his Bluetooth Speaker for the word that morning. As I waited I could see different pictures on the wall and on the desk one thing that stood out to me was this number on the dresser against the window it was gilderly it was the number 41 and I kept looking at the entire time I was in the office and I don't know what it means to the Pastor of St. Pual. Then Pastor Dee called me over to her and she showed me the items Bishop was going to use while he is preaching and teaching, and she told me to hand Bishop certain items from this Dollar General bag they had in the office. There were Crowns, Sipter, A Sling Shot with Stones, and his Hankitshift. Then after that, I sat back down on this very comfortable couch. Then, Bishop and Pastor Dee started to talk again about getting ready to put on his robe. It was a very very nice robe It was green and it had these gold designs on it, Then they decided to get ready before we leave the office in the back. So Pastor Dee told me to get Bishop's robe off the tree in the corner by the window and I helped them take it out the cleaner's plastic warp and I placed it on the couch and Pastor Dee told me to let down the plastic warp nice and neat and place it back on the tree. Pastor Dee helped Bishop align his robe to make sure he was nice-looking when he approached the Sanctuary. He was for sure ready to preach with that robe on. He kept looking in the mirror on the wall in the office and Pastor Dee kept telling him to stop moving so she could help him with the robe. Then we sat back down and waited for the Superintendent and his wife Lady Carter for about 5 to 10 minutes before they came in with the armor barrels and they talked and talked for a few minutes and I greeted the Superintendent and his wife and a couple of other men that were in the office with them. And They asked Bishop and Pastor Dee if they were ready. And Bishop and Pastor Dee said yes! So we left the office and went to the sanctuary where everybody was at after they had Sunday school. And Bishop went on the stage and sat down in the middle chair. And I took the bag with me and sat at the edge of the stage where there was three chairs where I sat at. And, I saw two people sitting next to Bishop on the right of him one was an apostle, and another man. Then I saw the guitar and drum player behind them. And One of the pastors of St. Pual came up to the pulpit and Greeted everyone and then started to sing and everyone started to sing with him. Then after that, the Chairman came and read the Scripture and went back to his seat Then the Praise and Worship team came up and sang two or three songs before we had Ministry of Giving. Then we had the Ministry of Giving and everyone came and gave and I also did too. Then the Choir came up to sing and they had some awesome songs and I can tell that I got a little taste of the old-school type of songs they would sing back in the day every Sunday morning. Then the Man of God our Bishop stepped up to the pulpit and started to pray before preaching and he was talking about "There is King in your Sheperd". And That was what I saw In our Bishop that he is our King and Pastor Dee is our Queen. It was an amazing word a Powerful word from the Lord. Then the Superintendent prayed for Bishop and Bishop gave them a crown signifying a King and Queen. Then after that, the congregation started to give their remarks to their Superintendent and Lady Carter. And the Superintendent Thanked Bishop and everyone for coming to celebrate with them and blessed the food. Then we went to the Cafeteria and got our plates And Had some good old southern food and it was really really amazing and after that we talked and talked about Bishop's hometown and then everybody got in their cars and went home.

1 answer

Based on your experience at the church, here are two applications that could personally resonate with you:

  1. Community Engagement and Service: Your willingness to help Bishop and Pastor Dee carry items into the church exemplifies the importance of being an active participant in your community. This experience highlights the value of serving others and being involved in community events, such as church functions or local gatherings. You might apply this by seeking opportunities to volunteer or assist in your church or community, fostering connections and contributing positively to those around you. This could be through organizing events, participating in outreach programs, or simply building relationships with fellow community members.

  2. Preparation and Excellence in Worship: Your observations about the church's environment, the thoughtful preparation for the services, and the attention to detail in Bishop’s attire (the robe) reflect the significance of excellence in worship settings. You could personally apply this by striving for excellence in your own life, whether it's in personal projects, work, or your own spiritual practice. This might mean setting aside time for personal preparation before significant events, ensuring that you approach tasks with intentionality, and recognizing the impact of a well-prepared heart and mind in your spiritual journey. You could also consider how you can create an inviting atmosphere in your home or community that mirrors the beauty and excellence you observed in the church.

Both applications encourage active participation in community life and a commitment to personal excellence, enhancing both your own spiritual journey and the experiences of those around you.