The specific characteristics of school-age children (typically ages 6-12) include:
1. Physical development: School-age children continue to grow rapidly, with coordination and motor skills becoming more refined. They typically have more energy and endurance, and are able to participate in a wide range of physical activities.
2. Cognitive development: School-age children are able to think logically and understand cause and effect relationships. They are also able to solve problems, use language more effectively, and think critically about topics they encounter.
3. Social and emotional development: School-age children are developing deeper friendships and understanding of social norms. They may experience a range of emotions and begin to learn how to regulate their feelings. They are also starting to form their sense of self-identity.
4. Independence: School-age children begin to show increased independence in their actions and decisions. They may want to try new activities and take on more responsibilities, such as chores around the house or completing homework independently.
5. Interests and hobbies: School-age children may develop specific interests and hobbies, such as sports, arts, music, or other activities. They may show enthusiasm for learning new skills and exploring different subjects.
6. Communication skills: School-age children are able to express themselves more clearly and effectively through both verbal and written communication. They can engage in conversations and discussions with others, as well as share their thoughts and ideas.
7. Curiosity and exploration: School-age children have a strong desire to learn and explore the world around them. They may ask lots of questions, seek out new experiences, and show interest in a wide range of topics.
8. Peer relationships: School-age children start to form close friendships with peers and value social interactions. They may also experience peer pressure and learn how to navigate social situations and conflicts with friends.
What are the specific characteristics of school-age children?
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