What are the rules of this website??

5 answers

There is not one set of rules, but if people follow good "netiquette," all will be fine. See below.

In addition, students should not post questions for which they need immediate help. Tutors are not on a schedule, and there are no robots here!



Then why did I get banned for doing nothing

This isn't the first time,I get banned frequently can you tell me what have done wrong?
Only one idea comes to mind, especially since I've never noticed your use of objectionable words.

A couple of weeks ago, one of our tutors was answering a science post, but he couldn't post his reply. He got the message that his reply had "foul language" in it, but there was nothing "foul" in his reply that any of us could see. He did lots of re-wording, and finally it posted normally.

If he had kept posting the same post with "foul language" in it, he would have been banned by the Jiskha program. I wonder if that's what happened to you. I've never noticed any foul language in your replies, but sometimes there's a combination of letters (and maybe numbers) that the Jiskha program reads as "foul."

If you hit Submit and then immediately get the message that your reply can't be posted for foul language reasons, don't try to re-submit it without going over it carefully and revising the wording. If you just submit the same reply 2 more times, you'll be banned by the program.
Ooooh thank you writeteacher ..........I get it now
this has happened to me before but it just said mods was reviewing my previous posts maybe this is what happened to me to