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What are the pros and cons or arguments for and against the just desert punishment theory?
5 answers
I have looked into this page already. I am trying to understand the actual theory behind it. Is it stating that the victim should be able to punish the criminal in the same way that was done to them? An eye for an eye per say?
It isn't the victim that does the punishing, but it's society. Yes, "just deserts" is a variation of the "eye for an eye" doctrine. The main tenet of "just deserts" is that the criminal deserves to be punished.
In this theory, no consideration is made for the deterrent effect nor whether the criminal can be rehabilitated.
My favorite example is that in 18th and 19th century England, pickpockets were often hung in public places. Yet, in the throngs that gathered to watch these deaths, pickpockets plied their trade and stole wallets. So much for the deterrent effect of harsh punishments!
In this theory, no consideration is made for the deterrent effect nor whether the criminal can be rehabilitated.
My favorite example is that in 18th and 19th century England, pickpockets were often hung in public places. Yet, in the throngs that gathered to watch these deaths, pickpockets plied their trade and stole wallets. So much for the deterrent effect of harsh punishments!
You're welcome.