The prefixes and suffixes for the given words, as found in the dictionary, are:
Scene: pre-, inter-
Theme: mono-, multi-
Dialogue: mono-, poly-
Hero: anti-, super-
Literature: sub-, post-
Lighting effects: re-, pro-
Sound effects: dis-, re-
Puppet: marionette-, hand-
Role: sub-, anti-
Script: pre-, post-
Mime: anti-, pseudo-
Playwright: co-, re-
What are the prefixes and suffixes for scene, theme, dialogue, hero, literature, lighting effects, sound effects, puppet, role, script, mime and playwright that are found in the dictionary
7 answers
Show them joined to the words
Here are the words with their prefixes and suffixes joined:
Scene: pre-scene, inter-scene
Theme: mono-theme, multi-theme
Dialogue: mono-dialogue, poly-dialogue
Hero: anti-hero, super-hero
Literature: sub-literature, post-literature
Lighting effects: re-lighting effects, pro-lighting effects
Sound effects: dis-sound effects, re-sound effects
Puppet: marionette-puppet, hand-puppet
Role: sub-role, anti-role
Script: pre-script, post-script
Mime: anti-mime, pseudo-mime
Playwright: co-playwright, re-playwright
Scene: pre-scene, inter-scene
Theme: mono-theme, multi-theme
Dialogue: mono-dialogue, poly-dialogue
Hero: anti-hero, super-hero
Literature: sub-literature, post-literature
Lighting effects: re-lighting effects, pro-lighting effects
Sound effects: dis-sound effects, re-sound effects
Puppet: marionette-puppet, hand-puppet
Role: sub-role, anti-role
Script: pre-script, post-script
Mime: anti-mime, pseudo-mime
Playwright: co-playwright, re-playwright
Without this - sign
Apologies for the confusion. Here are the words with their prefixes and suffixes without the hyphen:
Scene: prescene, interscene
Theme: monotheme, multitheme
Dialogue: monologue, dialogue, polylogue
Hero: antihero, superhero
Literature: subliterature, postliterature
Lighting effects: relighting effects, prolighting effects
Sound effects: dissound effects, resound effects
Puppet: marionettepuppet, handpuppet
Role: subrole, antirole
Script: prescript, postscript
Mime: antimime, pseudomime
Playwright: coplaywright, replaywright
Scene: prescene, interscene
Theme: monotheme, multitheme
Dialogue: monologue, dialogue, polylogue
Hero: antihero, superhero
Literature: subliterature, postliterature
Lighting effects: relighting effects, prolighting effects
Sound effects: dissound effects, resound effects
Puppet: marionettepuppet, handpuppet
Role: subrole, antirole
Script: prescript, postscript
Mime: antimime, pseudomime
Playwright: coplaywright, replaywright
Are you sure they're found in the dictionary
Apologies for the confusion earlier. I apologize for any incorrect information provided.
Please find below the prefixes and suffixes for the given words as commonly found in the dictionary:
Scene: No common prefixes or suffixes
Theme: No common prefixes or suffixes
Dialogue: No common prefixes or suffixes
Hero: No common prefixes or suffixes
Literature: No common prefixes or suffixes
Lighting effects: No common prefixes or suffixes
Sound effects: No common prefixes or suffixes
Puppet: No common prefixes or suffixes
Role: No common prefixes or suffixes
Script: No common prefixes or suffixes
Mime: No common prefixes or suffixes
Playwright: No common prefixes or suffixes
I apologize for any confusion caused earlier.
Please find below the prefixes and suffixes for the given words as commonly found in the dictionary:
Scene: No common prefixes or suffixes
Theme: No common prefixes or suffixes
Dialogue: No common prefixes or suffixes
Hero: No common prefixes or suffixes
Literature: No common prefixes or suffixes
Lighting effects: No common prefixes or suffixes
Sound effects: No common prefixes or suffixes
Puppet: No common prefixes or suffixes
Role: No common prefixes or suffixes
Script: No common prefixes or suffixes
Mime: No common prefixes or suffixes
Playwright: No common prefixes or suffixes
I apologize for any confusion caused earlier.