what are the plants juice extracted to apply on a shore. the plant is a yellow flower with green leaves

1 answer

Based on the description you provided — a plant with yellow flowers and green leaves whose juice is extracted for application on a sore — it sounds like you might be referring to the **Aloe Vera** plant, which is often associated with skin-soothing properties. However, Aloe Vera typically has more of a gel-like substance within its leaves rather than what most would call 'juice,' and it usually has green leaves rather than a prominent yellow flower.

Another possibility could be the **Calendula** plant, also known as pot marigold. Calendula has bright yellow or orange flowers, and its extracts are commonly used for their anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

Here are brief descriptions:

1. **Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)**
- **Appearance:**
- Thick, fleshy green leaves.
- Sometimes the leaves have small thorny ridges.
- The flowers can be yellow, though Aloe Vera plants are often recognized more by their leaves.
- **Usage:**
- The gel inside the leaves is widely used to treat minor burns, cuts, and skin conditions.

2. **Calendula (Calendula officinalis)**
- **Appearance:**
- Bright yellow or orange daisy-like flowers.
- Green, slightly fuzzy leaves.
- **Usage:**
- Extracts and oils from Calendula flowers are used in creams and ointments for their anti-inflammatory and healing properties, especially for skin issues.

If your description more closely matches another plant, you might be referring to one of the many regional plants with yellow flowers used in traditional remedies. Ensure positive identification of the plant before use to avoid adverse reactions.