1. impute
- Part of speech: verb
- Root word: imputare (Latin)
- Definition: to attribute or ascribe something, especially something negative, to someone
- Synonym: attribute, ascribe, assign
- Antonym: absolve, exonerate
2. crescendo
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: crescere (Latin)
- Definition: a gradual increase in loudness or intensity, usually in music
- Synonym: escalation, increase, build-up
- Antonym: decrescendo, diminuendo, decrease
3. advocate
- Part of speech: noun/verb
- Root word: advocatus (Latin)
- Definition: a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy; or to publicly support or recommend a particular cause or policy
- Synonym: proponent, supporter, champion
- Antonym: opponent, critic
4. adumbrate
- Part of speech: verb
- Root word: adumbrare (Latin)
- Definition: to outline or sketch in a vague or preliminary way; to foreshadow or give a hint of something to come
- Synonym: suggest, foreshadow, imply
- Antonym: clarify, reveal, explain
5. relocation
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: re- (Latin) + locare (Latin)
- Definition: the action of moving to a new place or position
- Synonym: move, transfer, migration
- Antonym: stagnation, immobility
6. reputation
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: reputatio (Latin)
- Definition: the beliefs or opinions held about someone's character or behavior; the overall quality or character, as seen or judged by people in general
- Synonym: standing, status, prestige
- Antonym: infamy, notoriety, disrepute
7. vociferous
- Part of speech: adjective
- Root word: vociferare (Latin)
- Definition: expressing feelings or opinions in a very loud or forceful way; vehement or clamorous
- Synonym: loud, outspoken, vehement
- Antonym: quiet, reserved, subdued
8. excrescence
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: excrescentia (Latin)
- Definition: an abnormal growth or outgrowth, especially one that is ugly or disfiguring; a disfiguring or unwanted addition or appendage
- Synonym: growth, protuberance, tumor
- Antonym: absence, lack, depletion
9. potative
- Part of speech: adjective
- Root word: potatus (Latin)
- Definition: capable of being potential, possible, or conceivable
- Synonym: potential, possible, feasible
- Antonym: impossible, improbable, inconceivable
10. allocate
- Part of speech: verb
- Root word: allotare (Latin)
- Definition: to distribute or assign resources, time, or tasks for a particular purpose or to a particular person or group
- Synonym: assign, distribute, apportion
- Antonym: withhold, retain, keep
11. evocation
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: evocare (Latin)
- Definition: the act of bringing or recalling a memory, feeling, or image into the mind; the act of summoning or calling forth something
- Synonym: invocation, summoning, calling
- Antonym: repulsion, rejection, dismissal
12. umbrage
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: umbra (Latin)
- Definition: offense or annoyance, usually as a result of a perceived insult or slight; shade or shadow, especially as cast by trees
- Synonym: offense, resentment, annoyance
- Antonym: approval, gratification, contentment
What are the part of speech, root word, definition, synonym and antonym for the words below?
1. impute
2. crescendo
3. advocate
4. adumbrate
5. relocation
6. reputation
7. vociferous
9. potative
10. allocate
11. evocation
12, umbrage
1 answer