What are the part of speech, root word, definition, and synonym and antonym for the words below?

1. impute
2. crescendo
3. advocate
4. adumbrate
5. relocation
6. reputation
7. vociferous
9. putative
10. allocate
11. evocation
12, umbrage

1 answer

1. impute
- Part of speech: verb
- Root word: imputation
- Definition: to attribute or ascribe something, typically a fault or crime, to someone else
- Synonym: attribute
- Antonym: absolve

2. crescendo
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: Italian crescere (to grow)
- Definition: a gradual increase in volume, intensity, or force in music
- Synonym: climax
- Antonym: decrescendo

3. advocate
- Part of speech: noun, verb
- Root word: Latin advocare (to call to one's aid)
- Definition (noun): a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy
- Definition (verb): to publicly support or recommend a particular cause or policy
- Synonym: champion
- Antonym: oppose

4. adumbrate
- Part of speech: verb
- Root word: Latin adumbrare (to sketch, indicate)
- Definition: to foreshadow or give a hint of something to come; to briefly outline or describe
- Synonym: outline
- Antonym: reveal

5. relocation
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: relocate
- Definition: the act of moving to a different place or position
- Synonym: move
- Antonym: immobility

6. reputation
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: Latin reputare (to reckon)
- Definition: the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something; the way in which a person or thing is commonly perceived
- Synonym: status
- Antonym: infamy

7. vociferous
- Part of speech: adjective
- Root word: Latin vociferari (to shout)
- Definition: expressing or characterized by vehement opinions or feelings; loud and noisy in making one's feelings known
- Synonym: clamorous
- Antonym: quiet

8. excrescence
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: Latin excrescentia (excrescence, a growing out)
- Definition: an abnormal growth or outgrowth, especially a disfiguring one
- Synonym: growth
- Antonym: normality

9. putative
- Part of speech: adjective
- Root word: Latin putare (to think)
- Definition: generally considered or assumed to be; reputed or supposed
- Synonym: supposed
- Antonym: proven

10. allocate
- Part of speech: verb
- Root word: Latin allocare (to place)
- Definition: to distribute or assign (resources or duties) for a particular purpose
- Synonym: assign
- Antonym: retain

11. evocation
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: Latin evocare (to call out)
- Definition: the act of bringing or recalling a feeling, memory, or image to the conscious mind
- Synonym: invocation
- Antonym: suppression

12. umbrage
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: Latin umbraticum (shadow)
- Definition: offense or annoyance; the feeling of being insulted or resentful
- Synonym: offense
- Antonym: approval