Here are the answers to your questions based on American Sign Language (ASL):
Question 1: What are the palm orientations required to produce ordinal numbers?
Answer: To the dominant side and then the non-dominant side.
Question 2: How are the ordinal numbers for 10 and above indicated in ASL?
Answer: The same way as all other ordinal numbers.
Question 3: Which vocabulary sign has a different location?
Answer: ORANGE.
Question 4: Which vocabulary sign has a different handshape?
Answer: BEIGE.
Question 5: Which vocabulary sign is formed with only the dominant hand?
Question 6: Which parameter is changed to turn the nouns BOAT, TRAIN, and SUBWAY into verb versions of riding in the vehicles?
Answer: Movement.
Question 7: Which parameter do HAPPY, SAD, EASY-GOING, & FRIENDLY have in common?
Answer: Non-Manual Marker.
Question 8: Which of the following signs is NOT initialized?
These answers summarize the production of signs in ASL as related to your questions.