What are the odds that this world we live in evolved?
3 answers
To believe that the world evolved from a big explosion sometime in the past would be like saying that my watch evolved.
Evolve means change. The odds are 100% that the world has changed since its beginning.
It depends on what you mean. If you are asking "what is the likelihood that life on earth evolved from other life," the likelihood is as near to 100% as science ever claims. In other words: all the evidence indicates that all the species on the planet today are descendents of other life forms, and ultimately of a one or very few primitive lifeforms. If you are asking about the chance that life would come about from inorganic processes, the "odds" were pretty good: 1) it happened 2) it happened because of the natural properties of some chemicals and compounds. The search for life on other planets is in part a search for a confirmation that this process can and did happen elsewhere under similar conditions.