What are the major accomplishnments of the Incas?

4 answers

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They created Machu-Picchu, the largest pre- Christopher Columbus empire in South America.
They preformed successful skull surgery.
The Inca had an intricate social structure which included nobility.
They kept a census


Developed methods of farming on mountain terrain

Superior bronze weapons
The Inca empire was large with a population of about 10 million people. Cuzco was the capital of the Inca empmire. Machu Picchu, one of the interesting cities of the Inca empire has millitary buildings and houses. It is referred to as the 'lost city', because it was discovered only in 1911.
The Incas had a highly organised government with the king as its head and the people paying taxes through labor. The Incas worshipped nature and believed in life after death. The Incas did not have a written language and largely depended on oral transmission. One of the important accomplishments of the Incas was the extension of their empire by conquering other tribes. The Incas were brilliant craftsmen.They used weapons like spears and whips
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