1. Fossils are created when an organism's remains are buried quickly in sediment and undergo a process of fossilization.
2. The first step in becoming a fossil is to die in the right place and in the right conditions, such as being buried quickly by sediment.
3. The second step is for the remains to be mineralized, a process that replaces the organic material with minerals.
4. Finally, the fossil must be preserved and protected from erosion or other disturbances that could destroy it.
5. Fossils can be created from any type of organism, from tiny bacteria to large dinosaurs.
6. Fossilization is a rare occurrence, with only a small percentage of organisms becoming fossils.
7. Fossils provide important insight into the history of life on Earth and are valuable resources for scientists studying evolution and ancient environments.
What are the main points from the article “How to Become a Fossil”?
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