what are the links between intrapersonal conflict and initiating relationships

2 answers

I assume you are talking about approach-avoidance conflicts, which will lead to vacillation (alternating approach and avoidance without ever accomplishing the goal).

Types of Internal Conflicts

I. Approach-approach involves two or more positive goals. It is easily resolved (banana split/hot fudge sundae example).

II. Avoidance-avoidance involves two or more negative goals --> escape or avoid, whichever is possible (garbage, pit and pendulum examples).

III. Approach-avoidance involves one goal with both positive and negative qualities --> ambivalence and vacillation.

IV. Double approach-avoidance involves two or more goals, each with both positive and negative qualities --> ambivalence and vacillation (football vs. baseball captains as dates example).
Examples of human rights violations or discriminations