The four rainfall regions based on rainfall distribution both in space and time in Ethiopia are as follows:
1. Highland Region: This region experiences high rainfall and is located in the highlands and mountainous areas of the country. It receives a significant amount of rainfall throughout the year, with higher intensity during the wet season.
2. Lowland Arid Region: This region is characterized by low and erratic rainfall. It includes the lowland areas and deserts of Ethiopia, such as the Danakil Depression. The rainfall is highly irregular and unreliable, with long dry spells and occasional flash floods during the rainy season.
3. Dry Savannah Region: This region is semi-arid and experiences moderate rainfall. It covers extensive areas of the country, including the eastern lowlands and the central Rift Valley. The rainfall distribution is marked by a dry season and a short rainy season, with most of the rainfall occurring during the wet season.
4. Wet Savannah Region: This region receives a relatively higher amount of rainfall compared to the dry savannah region. It includes areas such as western Ethiopia and parts of the Gambela region. The rainfall distribution is characterized by a longer wet season and a shorter dry season, with significant precipitation throughout the year.
What are the four rainfall regions based on rain fall distribution both in space and time in ethiopia
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