The correct response that lists the five civic duties of citizens of the US is:
vote, obey laws, pay taxes, do jury duty if called, register for selective service
obey laws, pick up trash, vote, pay taxes, get a library card
obey laws, pick up trash, vote, pay taxes, get a library card
join the military, vote, go to school, pay taxes, obey laws
join the military, vote, go to school, pay taxes, obey laws
vote, obey laws, pay taxes, do jury duty if called, register for selective service
vote, obey laws, pay taxes, do jury duty if called, register for selective service
vote, pay taxes, brush teeth, join the military, go to school
1 answer
The correct response that lists the five civic duties of citizens of the US is:
vote, obey laws, pay taxes, do jury duty if called, register for selective service