What are the elements used to make the ingrediants of each category (the same element may be listed in several categories, but a maximum of once in each of the 6 categories, no matter how many different ingrediants it may be in)?
**name of the element with the symbol and atomic number after it (eg. Helium He-2)**
(1) Cartridge Case (1 component, 2 elements)
(2) Black Powder (3 componenets, 6 elements)
(3) paper (Cellulose) (3 components, 3 elements)
(4) Cast Bullet (1 component, 3 elements)
(5) Old-time Bullet Lube (3 components: sheep fat, paraffin, beeswax, and only 3 elements)
(6) Primer (approx 6-7 components: initiator fuel, oxidizer, metallic powder, binder, fuel, metal cup/anvil, other possibilities and approx 15 elements)