what are the different ways in which we evaluate people? how do these factors play a role in our expectations of other people? what are the disadvantages of these expectations?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You can tell about a person best by the way he/she treats other people!

1. (Broken Link Removed)

2. http://msmvps.com/blogs/robfarley/archive/2007/02/19/4-questions-to-evaluate-people-s-passion.aspx (4 questions to evaluate someone's "passion")

3. http://www.sbishere.com/how-people-evaluate-proposals/

You've no doubt heard the old saying "Don't judge a book by its cover." Someone can make a good impression visually, but it is far more important AFTER you hear some speech.

Nowadays even computers are used to evaluate people before they are hired.

It might help to become acquainted with attribution theory.


For more information, search the Internet under "attribution theory."

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
