what are the diff b/in:

12. Dilute to and dilute with
13. Warm, boil
14. Heat almost to boiling
15. Heat just to boiling
16. Evaporate to
17. Evaporate to almost dryness
18. Concentrate the volume to
12. I know the meaning of dilute its reducing the concentration but idk dilute to/with.
13. warm is b/in cold and hot while boil is to heat something at 100 C?
14. it's heating something but not going up to 100 C?
15. it's heating at constant 100 C?
16. evaporate means from liquid state to vapor but idk what "evaporate to" means.
17. IDK what this means i just know what evaporate means..
18. i also dk what no. 18 is..
please help me i've tried to provide an answer in every question.. and please also revise my answers into proper sentences (if its correct).. PLEASE

3 answers

12. Dilute to means add a dilutant to reach a certain level...dilute with means dilute with a specific liquid.
13. Warm means to increase temperature. Boil means warm until the boiling point.
16. you answer assumes water, most things do not boil at 100C
15. Evaporate to generally means a specific concentration,
17, if you evaporated sea water to almost dryness, you would have wet or moist salt.
18. it means evaporate, boil the substance until it reaches a specific concentration.
Oh... So 14. means heat something nearly to its boiling point?
and 15. to heat something just enough to its certain boiling point? please answer me..
Is that right?