What are the benefit of letting the solutions of HCl(aq) and NaOH(aq) sit
6 answers
In a closed container. Open container. concentration is what I don't know of any benefits but we may be able to help if you gave us a hint as to how the solutions are to be used.
This is actually a prelab question for an experiment.
Which experiment? My crystal ball is cloudy; I can't predict what experiment you are doing.
I had a lab for chemistry where we mixed HCl(aq) with NaOH(aq) together and we needed to figure out the temperature. This was one of the questions we had to do before the experiment so we have knowledge on the lab.
OK. Then I think the answer to your question is that by standing overnight BEFORE mixing, you are relatively certain that the temperature of the HCl is the same as that of the NaOH; therefore, when mixing the temperature of the solution tells you what the heat of the reaction is. If the temperatures were not the same you would need to somehow correct them. By standing overnight and letting them come to room temperature you don't have that problem to worry about.
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