what are the 3 causes of the holocaust?
purification-Hitler wanted to purify the world to be like Germans. He wanted pepple to have blond hair and blue eyes. He wanted to create the "perfect race."
getting rid of political enemies-The first people that were killed because of the Holocaust were political enemies to Germany.
Hi Taylor,
I don't think we can just find 3 causes to the Holocaust. Hitler probably made a ton of horrible excuses for it.
But if you have to find 3, I would also look at the economic situation in Germany laeding up to World War II. After WW I, there were a lot of economic problems. Hitler seemed like a God send in several ways because he did get the economy jump started again fairly well. Not perfect, but definitely getting a lot better. Unfortunately, that also meant that a lot of people were not thinking these things through very well and just let things spiral out of control.
Jews were a convenient scapegoat for an ethnocentric society. See
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.