1. To examine the socio-economic factors contributing to teenage pregnancy in Lusaka Garden Compound.
2. To analyze the role of cultural beliefs and practices in shaping attitudes towards teenage pregnancy in the community.
3. To investigate the lack of access to comprehensive sex education and reproductive health services as a cause of teenage pregnancy.
4. To explore the impact of poverty and limited economic opportunities on the prevalence of teenage pregnancy in Lusaka Garden Compound.
5. To assess the influence of peer pressure and social norms on teenage pregnancy rates in the community.
6. To investigate the relationship between substance abuse and teenage pregnancy in Lusaka Garden Compound.
7. To examine the consequences of teenage pregnancy on the educational attainment and future prospects of young mothers in the community.
8. To explore the social stigma and discrimination faced by teenage mothers in Lusaka Garden Compound.
9. To investigate the healthcare challenges and risks associated with teenage pregnancy in the community.
10. To propose recommendations for addressing the root causes of teenage pregnancy in Lusaka Garden Compound and promoting positive outcomes for young mothers and their children.
What are the 10 objectives of teenage pregnancy when writing about the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy Lusaka garden compound in a geography project
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