What are some ways to adjust your exercise and nutritional plan due to age, pregnancy, and physical capabilities?

7 answers

Please let us know what YOU THINK. Then someone here will be able to comment on your ideas.
Eat less as you get older
That's pretty skimpy. You can't think of anything else?

Are you paying for this class? Do you have a textbook? Do you know how to use search engines, such as www.google.com and www.bing.com ??
WOW!!!! No I am not paying for this class, I am helping my son!!!! I would really hate to have you as a teacher!! He needed 2 examples and I had 1. Yes he has a text book, google and anything else you can think of. I though this site would be helpful but instead I picked a day to ask a question when you were in one hell of a bad day. I just love the sarcasm you extend to someone who asked one simple question. I did not ask you to do my assignment, again I just asked a question.
If you reread what you posted, the only thing I get from it is that you want someone else to provide the answers for you.

The best way to get true help here is to let us know what the assignment is AND what you already know about it. If you have a specific question about the assignment, then write it up so it's clear to us that you're not expecting someone else to do your (or your son's) work for you.
Linsay -- If you don't like what our teachers say, don't bother coming back here. We are volunteer teachers who want to help educate students, not do their thinking for them.
Well asking if I know how to use google and bing is just a sarcastic answer! Just because you are volunteer does not mean you have to be rude.If I did not know how to use that I would not be on here.I was asked to provide the answer that he had and I did. He only needed one more. I was just giving the entire question so you know what the subject was about. I was always told the more info the better (I was told this by my professors in college).