what are some tips for answering "multiple choice" questions?

1 answer

1. Read the question carefully and ensure you understand what is being asked.
2. Go through each answer option one by one, crossing out those that are clearly incorrect.
3. Pay attention to qualifiers such as "always," "never," "sometimes," or "most likely" in the question as this can help you eliminate certain options.
4. If you are unsure of the correct answer, try to make an educated guess by ruling out obviously wrong options.
5. Look for clues or patterns in the answer choices that can help you narrow down your selection.
6. Watch out for trick questions or answers designed to confuse you.
7. Avoid changing your initial answer unless you have a good reason to do so.
8. Manage your time wisely and don't spend too long on one question. Skip difficult questions and come back to them later if needed.
9. Mark questions you are unsure about and review them before submitting your final answers.
10. Be cautious of absolutes such as "always" and "never" as they are typically less likely to be correct compared to more nuanced answers.