what are some reasons to support or oppose Texas' involvement in the Civil War in Texas


6 answers

opposition to slavery
desire to be part of the United States
so did us texans want to be a part of the U.S.
You asked for “reasons to support or oppose Texas' involvement in the Civil War.” Ms. Sue gave you reasons to oppose. Now you should be able to think of reasons to support ...
i asked a question
did US TEXANS want to be apart of the United States?
“Apart”? Or “a part”?

Your original question is asking for reasons on both sides of the question. There were people in Texas in the 1860s who wanted to secede and other people who didn’t. What does your text say about this?
We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.
— Texas Secession Convention, A Declaration of the Causes which Impel the State of Texas to Secede from the Federal Union, (February 1861).[3]

At this time, African Americans comprised around 30 percent of the state's population, and they were overwhelmingly enslaved.[4] According to one Texan, keeping them enslaved was the primary goal of the state in joining the Confederacy:

Independence without slavery, would be valueless... The South without slavery would not be worth a mess of pottage.
— Caleb Cutwell, letter to the Galveston Tri-Weekly, (February 22, 1865).[5]