What are some of the gifts that we have received from Jesus?NO HUMAN has ever been as generous as Jesus. When on earth, he freely used his miraculous power to help others. (Luke 9:12-17) He gave the greatest gift of all by laying down his life for us. (John 15:13) Since his resurrection, Jesus has continued to be generous. Just as he promised, he has asked Jehovah to pour out holy spirit to teach and comfort us. (John 14:16, 17, ftn.; 16:13) And by means of our congregation meetings, Jesus continues to equip us to make disciples all over the earth.​—Matt. 28:18-20 What are some of the gifts that we have received from Jesus?NO HUMAN has ever been as generous as Jesus. When on earth, he freely used his miraculous power to help others. (Luke 9:12-17) He gave the greatest gift of all by laying down his life for us. (John 15:13) Since his resurrection, Jesus has continued to be generous. Just as he promised, he has asked Jehovah to pour out holy spirit to teach and comfort us. (John 14:16, 17, ftn.; 16:13) And by means of our congregation meetings, Jesus continues to equip us to make disciples all over the earth.​—Matt. 28:18-20

Make a comentar, very short sentence and very underestable use the JW bible

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Jesus has given us the greatest gifts: his life for our salvation, the holy spirit for guidance, and the support of our congregations to help us grow in faith.